Safe Ride System

Australian designed SAFE RIDE SYSTEM is a multi-function alert system, to remind passengers to 'wear their seatbelts' and also offers a reminder to ‘tap on’ as you enter the bus. Designed with installers in mind, the system can be activated by high or low door open and close signals.
- Wear Seatbelt announcement
- Tap on announcement
- MP3 audio alert
- Clear instructions
- Simple installation
- 12 – 24v
- 4 built-in relays
- 25w amplifier
- Volume control
- User definable mp3s
BREAKING NEWS!! In the recent Bus Industry Council's Bus Safety Initiatives Paper, BIC recommended a full review of Australian Design Rule 68 to increase warning devices and labelling in vehicles to increase the usage of seatbelts. We have customised the Safe Ride System to meet the revised ADR 68 guidelines, including an output for an illuminated 'Fast Seatbelts' sign - and we are currently piloting the system in Western Australia and Queensland.